With an average of two or three professional flamenco dance performances a year, imagine my excitement when I found out that there will be more shows coming!
I always wondered why our local talent wasn’t getting on stage more often, and I’m talking theatre stage, because there is no lack of talent. And even though it’s always nice to see student shows, knowing that there is so much flamenco in Atlanta, once you’ve tasted the “real” flamenco, you can’t help but want more. It may not be easy to put together an entire production for the Fox, but I believe there is enough of an appetite in the area that would make a smaller production, at a smaller venue, worth it.
Flamenco Crossroads is a flamenco dance & music performance by aspiring local flamenco aficionados.
The show is produced and art directed by Rina Menovsky – dance/choreography.
With guest artists:
Marija Temo- guitar/song
Jose de Guadalupe – dance/choreography
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Matinee: 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Evening: 7:00-9:00 p.m
For more information: 404 457 3775 or artelavida.com
Click the link to buy tickets for this show.